Triumph of Flora (after Tiepolo)
Triumph of Flora (after Tiepolo)

2023 acrylic/c 62” X 80”

Grand Tour
Grand Tour

2024 acrylic/c 36’ X 44”

Truncis Naribus (faces without noses)
Truncis Naribus (faces without noses)

2014 acrylic/c 36” X 44”

Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah

2019 acrylic/c 48” X 62”

Anatomy Lesson
Anatomy Lesson

2003 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

20th Century Genre
20th Century Genre

1994 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

Melencolia (after Durer)
Melencolia (after Durer)

2012 acrylic/c 62” X 80”

Private collection

Casting Call for Cautionary Tales
Casting Call for Cautionary Tales

2017 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

She Waits...
She Waits...

2017 acrylic/c 46” X 36”

Conversation Between Two Harpies
Conversation Between Two Harpies

1997 acrylic/c 46” X 64”

Caesars Foot  (Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome)
Caesars Foot (Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome)

2014 acrylic/p 22” X 30”


2014 acrylic/p 23” X 30”

Homage to Magritte
Homage to Magritte

2014 acrylic/c 14” X 18”

Private collection

Homage to Duchamp
Homage to Duchamp

2003 acrylic/c 60” X 46”

The Good Old Days
The Good Old Days

2014 acrylic/c 44” X 52”

Great Moments in Art History
Great Moments in Art History

2007 acrylic/c 52” X 62”

Private collection

Judgement of Paris
Judgement of Paris

2005 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

San Jose Museum of Art

Jupiter and Io
Jupiter and Io

2008 acrylic/c 62” X 80

Toilet of Venus
Toilet of Venus

1989 acrylic/c 46” X 60

Psych and Amor
Psych and Amor

2013 acrylic/c 48” X 55”

(2 canvases - predella)


2015 acrylic/c 16” X 20” ea (two canvases)


1999 acrylic/c 72” X 84”

Latona and the Frogs: Water Rights (after Teniers)
Latona and the Frogs: Water Rights (after Teniers)

2019 acrylic/c 41” X 48”

Odysseus and the Sirens
Odysseus and the Sirens

2016 acrylic/c 66” X 50”

The Three Fates: Measuring Time
The Three Fates: Measuring Time

1993 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

The Reunion of Art and Nature
The Reunion of Art and Nature

1990 acrylic/c 72” X 96”


2017 acrylic/c 36” X 46”

Vuillard Family Consumed by Their Wall-Paper
Vuillard Family Consumed by Their Wall-Paper

2012 gouache/p 10” X 14”

Homage to the Weeping Women
Homage to the Weeping Women

1997 gouache/p 31” X 43” Private Collection

Triumph of Flora (after Tiepolo)
Grand Tour
Truncis Naribus (faces without noses)
Samson and Delilah
Anatomy Lesson
20th Century Genre
Melencolia (after Durer)
Casting Call for Cautionary Tales
She Waits...
Conversation Between Two Harpies
Caesars Foot  (Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome)
Homage to Magritte
Homage to Duchamp
The Good Old Days
Great Moments in Art History
Judgement of Paris
Jupiter and Io
Toilet of Venus
Psych and Amor
Latona and the Frogs: Water Rights (after Teniers)
Odysseus and the Sirens
The Three Fates: Measuring Time
The Reunion of Art and Nature
Vuillard Family Consumed by Their Wall-Paper
Homage to the Weeping Women
Triumph of Flora (after Tiepolo)

2023 acrylic/c 62” X 80”

Grand Tour

2024 acrylic/c 36’ X 44”

Truncis Naribus (faces without noses)

2014 acrylic/c 36” X 44”

Samson and Delilah

2019 acrylic/c 48” X 62”

Anatomy Lesson

2003 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

20th Century Genre

1994 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

Melencolia (after Durer)

2012 acrylic/c 62” X 80”

Private collection

Casting Call for Cautionary Tales

2017 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

She Waits...

2017 acrylic/c 46” X 36”

Conversation Between Two Harpies

1997 acrylic/c 46” X 64”

Caesars Foot (Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome)

2014 acrylic/p 22” X 30”


2014 acrylic/p 23” X 30”

Homage to Magritte

2014 acrylic/c 14” X 18”

Private collection

Homage to Duchamp

2003 acrylic/c 60” X 46”

The Good Old Days

2014 acrylic/c 44” X 52”

Great Moments in Art History

2007 acrylic/c 52” X 62”

Private collection

Judgement of Paris

2005 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

San Jose Museum of Art

Jupiter and Io

2008 acrylic/c 62” X 80

Toilet of Venus

1989 acrylic/c 46” X 60

Psych and Amor

2013 acrylic/c 48” X 55”

(2 canvases - predella)


2015 acrylic/c 16” X 20” ea (two canvases)


1999 acrylic/c 72” X 84”

Latona and the Frogs: Water Rights (after Teniers)

2019 acrylic/c 41” X 48”

Odysseus and the Sirens

2016 acrylic/c 66” X 50”

The Three Fates: Measuring Time

1993 acrylic/c 72” X 96”

The Reunion of Art and Nature

1990 acrylic/c 72” X 96”


2017 acrylic/c 36” X 46”

Vuillard Family Consumed by Their Wall-Paper

2012 gouache/p 10” X 14”

Homage to the Weeping Women

1997 gouache/p 31” X 43” Private Collection

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